
News Matters

Draft Strategic Commissioning Framework – Consultation

The IJB has developed a draft of their replacement strategic plan. This plan has been called the ‘Strategic Commissioning Framework’. The draft plan has been informed by…

Progress on Equality and new Equality Outcomes set for Dundee Integration Joint Board

On 19th April 2023 Dundee Integration Joint Board approved 4 Equality Outcomes that they intend to make progress toward in the next 4 years.

The Equality Mainstreaming…

Dundee GP Premises Strategy Patient Survey

Dundee Health & Social Care Partnership are keen to hear patients' views about their GP Premises.

To ensure you continue to have access to the best possible health care we are planning…

Plan for Dundee Health and Social Care

We are building on information gathered in 2021/22 when we heard from views local people, their carers, the health and social care workforce and colleagues in other sectors.…

Living Life Well and Living Life Your Way in Dundee- A Strategic Plan for Supporting Adults with a Learning Disability and adults with a Learning Disability and Autism

Earlier this year Dundee Integration Joint Board agreed Strategic Plan for Supporting Adults with a Learning Disability and Adults with a Learning…

Let's Talk - We Want Your Views

Dundee Integration Joint Board develops plans for community-based Health and Social Care Services and supports and we would like to listen to YOUR views.


The Dundee Health…

Proposals for Scotland National Care Service

The Independent Review into Adult Social Care (IRASC) recommended the establishment of a National Care Service. The Scottish Government has proposed a new law which would…

Community Wellbeing Centre Update

Building work on a Community Wellbeing Centre (CWC) in Dundee to help improve the city’s response to mental health challenges is set to be completed by the end of the year.

The Integration…

Publication of DHSCP Annual Performance Report 2021-22

This is the sixth statutory Annual Performance Report of the Dundee Integration Joint Board (IJB), established on April 1st 2016 to plan, oversee and deliver adult health and social care services…

Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategic Plan – Community, Lived Experience and Workforce Engagement

What is the Dundee Alcohol and Drug Partnership?
The Dundee Alcohol & Drug Partnership (ADP) brings together partners from a range of local organisations including NHS Tayside, Dundee…