Both NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council have delegated some of their functions to the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership. A joint board has been established to manage adult health and social care services.
DHSCP - Who We Are
The Leadership
The partnership is led by Dave Berry, Acting Chief Officer. Dave has overall responsibility for delivering health and social care services in Dundee. Details of the leadership and management structure for the partnership will be published once it has been finalised.
The Partnership
The Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership consists of Dundee City Council, NHS Tayside, and partners from the third sector and independent providers of health and social care services.
The Partnership will promote transparent and inclusive working. Features of this partnership will be positive relationships, clear accountability and governance arrangements.
To be successful, the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership needs a strong, committed, and sustainable workforce. A supported workforce is key to the successful implementation of our Strategic & Commissioning Plan.
As such, we have created a Workforce & Organisational Development Strategy. This was approved in February, 2016.
We acknowledge that we will face challenges and have developed a set of guiding principles to underpin how we will work in responding to these challenges and making the necessary changes to working practices.
Our vision for an integrated Health & Social Care Workforce is:
"Our integrated Workforce will embrace partnership with citizens to realise their aspirations and full potential."
We will achieve our vision by supporting our Workforce to gain a greater understanding of individual and local needs. In particular, the skills and strengths of specific populations. This will drive a more locally informed response and the greater participation & engagement with the people of Dundee. These locally created Guiding Principles sit alongside existing legislative, professional, and clinical and care governance requirements. You can find the eight guiding principles here
The Integration Joint Board
NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council agreed an Integration Scheme for Dundee, which was approved by Scottish Ministers in September 2015. This enabled the order to come into force, which established an Integration Joint Board (IJB) in October 2015. The Integration Scheme sets out the functions that are delegated by NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council to the IJB. The IJB is responsible for the planning, oversight and delivery of integrated functions.
The IJB operates as a body corporate (a separate legal entity), acting independently of NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council. The IJB consists of six voting members appointed in equal number by NHS Tayside and Dundee City Council, with a number of representative members from the third sector, independent sector, staff, carers and service users. The IJB is advised by a number of professionals including the Chief Officer, Medical Director, Nurse Director and Chief Social Work Officer.
The key functions of the IJB are to:
- Prepare a plan for integrated functions that is in accordance with national and local outcomes and integration principles.
- Allocate the integrated budget in accordance with the Plan.
- Oversee the delivery of services that are within the scope of the Partnership.
You can find the IJB Standing Orders here
You can find the Code of Conduct for Members of the IJB here
Working in Localities
Dundee has eight Local Community Planning Partnership areas known as localities. They are made up of 54 natural neighbourhood areas. Each locality is responsible for engagement, planning, and decision-making, delivering universal preventative and health improvement services.
By delivering services with a focus on localities, we are better able to tailor services to the specific needs of the different areas of Dundee. You can find profiles about the eight localities below.
Our four Locality Managers were appointed at the start of 2017.

Members of the Integration Joint Board
Name | Position |
Dundee City Council (Elected Member) (Chair) | Councillor Ken Lynn* |
NHS Tayside (Non Executive Member) (Vice Chair) | Bob Benson* |
Dundee City Council (Elected Member) | Councillor Siobhan Tolland* |
Dundee City Council (Elected Member) | Councillor Dorothy McHugh * |
NHS Tayside (Non Executive member) | Colleen Carlton* |
NHS Tayside (Non Executive Member) | David Cheape * |
Acting Chief Officer | Dave Berry |
Acting Chief Finance Officer (Proper Officer) | Christine Jones |
Registered medical practitioner whose name is included in the list of primary medical services performers prepared by the Health Board in accordance with Regulations made under section 17P of the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978(b) | Dr David Wilson |
Registered medical practitioner employed by the Health Board and not providing primary medical services | Dr Sanjay Pillai |
Registered nurse who is employed by the Health Board | Suzie Brown |
Chief Social Work Officer | Glyn Lloyd |
Third Sector Representative | Christina Cooper |
Staff Partnership Representative | Raymond Marshall |
Trade Union Representative | Jim McFarlane |
Director of Public Health | Dr Emma Fletcher |
Person providing unpaid care in the area of the local authority | Martyn Sloan |
Service user residing in the area of the local authority | Vacant |
Clinical Director Dr David Shaw
*denotes voting member