DHSCP Strategic Plan - Call for Views image

DHSCP Strategic Plan - Call for Views

We want views from people who access care and support, unpaid carers and those who may access care and support in the future.

We want to know what you think matters most!


The Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) is responsible for delivering person centred adult health and social care services to people of Dundee. The Partnership is reviewing its Strategic and Commissioning Plan 2019-2022 (full version and summary version).

We want to learn what is important to you. We will consider your priorities for the next year and how they will best meet these. Your views will help us to make decisions about whether to extend the current plan for one year or replace the plan with another covering the next 3 years.

We want to extend our thanks to citizens who completed our recent on-line survey. The survey is due to close soon, you can complete it here before 26th January 2022 . The information from the survey will be added to what we have already learned from our workforce and other stakeholders as well as  the information we learn at this stage.

We want to hear from as many local people as possible. We want to learn about your views so that we can develop the most effective plan.


We are planning to host on-line meetings to learn your views, you can join this by telephone only or a video session. Unfortunately, current restrictions mean that we cannot offer to arrange a face-to-face meeting just now. If you are part of an existing group, we could join you for an online meeting or could arrange a face to face at your venue if you are already meeting up. If you would prefer, we can arrange to have a one-to-one telephone discussion.


The discussions will focus on finding out what you think are the most important health and social care issues are facing people, their families and carers and their local communities over the next 12 months. We want to know more about any changes and support you think might help. (The meetings are not expected to last more than one hour.



You can choose to give your view in one of 3 ways:


  1. Book to join a meeting by video conferencing or phone.


    1. 2pm-3pm Tuesday 25th January
    2. 6-7pm Thursday 27th January
    3. 12 Noon Tuesday 8th February


  1. Invite us to your planned online meeting or if you are already meeting, we can come to your face-to-face meeting.
  2. Request a phone call – let us know by contacting Joyce Barclay that you would like a phone call so you can tell us your views.


Get in touch by 18th February 2022

By email to: Joyce.barclay@dundeecity.gov.uk  

By phone Joyce Barclay on 07960389827 (leave a message if no reply)