Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership have developed a Short Breaks Statement with local carers and partners. The statement was agreed at the Integration Joint Board on 18th December 2018 and has been published here as required by the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016. The Statement is for Carers, Young Carers and Supported People.
Dundee Carers Partnership developed the statement along with stakeholders and carers. The statement gives advice and information about short breaks for carers of all ages and for the adults and children they support.
In Dundee we are committed to ensuring that Carers, Young Carers and Supported People have access to meaningful, personalised Short Breaks and work will continue to support people to get the right break at the right time to make sure that carers are able to continue in the caring role when they wish to do so.
Information about supports for carers is available on Carers of Dundee website.
Dundee Carers Partnership are keen to explore how information such as the Statement can be shared with as many carers as possible. If you would like to give your view about the short Breaks Services Statement or be involved in finding ways to make sure carers know about the Statement please get in touch emailing DHSCP@dundeecity.gov.uk or support@carersofdundee.org
or by phoning Dundee Carers Centre 01382 200422 or visiting Dundee Carers Centre Seagate House, 132-134 Seagate, Dundee, DD1 2HB