NHS Tayside is carrying out a consultation on orthopaedic services at Ninewells Hospital, Perth Royal Infirmary and Stracathro Hospital and we would like to hear your views.
The changes would mean that all unplanned orthopaedic trauma surgery would be provided from Ninewells Hospital, allowing more planned operations at Perth Royal Infirmary and Stracathro Hospital.
The consultation will run from 29 July to 31 October 2019
How to give us your feedback
Information about the consultation is available on the Transforming Tayside website - https://www.nhstayside.scot.nhs.uk/OurServicesA-Z/TransformingTayside/index.htm
where you can find out more about the proposed redesign and complete an online questionnaire
You can also contact us by:
Freephone: 0800 783611000 7836110
Email: transform-ortho.tayside@nhs.net
By post: Public Involvement, Tayside NHS Board, Freepost SCO 6181, Dundee, DD3 8ZR