DHSCP Annual Performance Report Summary 2020/21 image

DHSCP Annual Performance Report Summary 2020/21

A summary performance report outlining achievements and reflecting on the progress of the Dundee Health and Social Care Partnership over the last year has been published.

The summary report details how the Partnership will fulfil its ambition that each citizen will have access to the information and support that they need to live a fulfilled life.

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health and social care needs of the population, how we deliver supports and services, on health inequalities and on the health and wellbeing of our workforce and of unpaid carers has been substantial and wide ranging.

Partnership services have not only supported efforts to rapidly increase the availability of beds in the acute sector to respond to COVID-19 positive patients requiring hospital admission, but have also been integral to providing responses to COVID-19 positive people in the community, both within their own homes and within residential settings such as care homes.

The summary annual report therefore reflects the range of work undertaken by the Partnership over 2020-21 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as our ongoing workstreams to deliver the strategic priorities set out in our Strategic and Commissioning Plan 2019-22.


You can find the report here