Mental health and wellbeing is a priority locally, nationally and globally. We know from research that mental health inequalities are a bigger challenge in Dundee compared to other areas of Scotland.
The Dundee Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategic and Commissioning Group (MHWSCG) includes a wide range of statutory and non-statutory service providers and community/service user/advocacy perspectives. The group has produced this Draft Strategic ('Plan') and a more detailed action plan to address the mental health and wellbeing challenges facing the citizens of Dundee.
This Plan sits alongside and interlinks with other plans which recognise, and impact on, mental health and wellbeing in the city, including those for children and young people, those affected by substance misuse, carers, and people at risk of or affected by suicide.
The Plan has been co-produced by stakeholders. It reflects the views, suggestions and ideas of local people and service users about what matters most to them in terms of improving and protecting their mental health and wellbeing, whilst at the same time reflecting their experiences of mental ill health, services and recovery. It also listens to those who provide mental health supports/services in Dundee.
Before confirming the plan, we want to know if people affected by it believe it will meet their needs. We have created a short survey to gather your views. This should take no more than 10 minutes. We will use the feedback gathered to produce the final Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan for 2019-2024.
You can find the Draft Plan here
You can find the survey here
The survey closes on Friday 26th April 2019.